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Principal's Blog

Radnor House parents receive a Weekly Bulletin of news information, highlights of achievements and details of forthcoming events, as well as additional communications from other departments and individuals as necessary.

Our Principal, Darryl Wideman, also writes a regular blog to share his thoughts about education and the world with a wider audience, which you can read below.

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  • If It Doesn’t Hurt, It’s Probably Not Working

    We have a final visit this week to Mark Manson’s book with the asterisks on the cover, which is of course far more optimistic than the title suggests, albeit only after navigating some existential angst along the way, as you will see from what follows here.  I thought he was particularly...
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  • How Happy Are You Feeling?

    It looks like I need two more weeks to round off what I want to tell you about Mark Manson’s book – you know, the one with all the asterisks on the front cover that I’ve mentioned before and that is too rude to name here.  Like a fine wine or a mature cheese, the book gets bet...
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  • In Praise of Science

    A few weeks ago, I made reference to a book by Mark Manson, the title of which contains a rude word that even the use of appropriate asterisks cannot really disguise, but the gist of which is that everything has gone to hell in a handcart.  I confess that I was not entirely sure where the autho...
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  • Other Versions Are Available

    Even a cursory search of the internet quickly reveals how many ‘World Days’ occur each year.  In February, we have World Play Your Ukulele Day, World Hippo Day and World Bartender Day, to pick just three at random.  This week, however, sees the annual celebration of World Think...
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  • It's Goodnight from Him

    If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, it presumably ends with one as well.  If this is the first of my blogs you have read, or if you are someone who just dips into them from time to time, you will not have noticed how much time I have devoted in the last year or two to a...
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  • Better, Worse, Metaverse?

    We have nearly finished what we need to consider from David Goodhart’s ‘Head Hand Heart’, with just this week and then one more needed to tick off everything I wanted to tell you.  I appreciate that some people will have given up along the way, throwing up their arms in exaspe...
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  • What Should We Really Value?

    The end is in sight and there is light at the end of the tunnel – though let us hope that is not just a train coming the other way – in our epic journey through the work of David Goodhart in ‘Head Hand Heart’.  After covering his ideas across several blogs in the last ye...
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  • Paths Through History

    As well the book I highlighted last week about the BBC’s Sports Report programme, another enjoyable read over the Christmas break was Anthony Seldon’s ‘The Path of Peace’.  Seldon is a historian, political commentator and educator, among the many other impressive skills...
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  • And The Sun Shines Now

    It was a genuine pleasure to have time over the Christmas break, particularly in the afternoons when the various domestic chores had been completed, to be able to read a couple of really good books and, above all, to be able to explore some of their themes in more detail via a host of internet searc...
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  • Santa Claus Is Coming to Town

    Our Christmas break this year is what I would call a ‘Goldilocks Holiday’ because it is just right.  Ending on a Friday always feels more satisfactory to me than doing so on a Wednesday – or a Thursday, as it will be next term as we try to fit around a moveable Easter that fee...
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  • Cosmic Dust to Cosmic Dust

    As part of my ongoing quest to tidy things up and reach a point where I can be relatively satisfied that I have no burning issues left to share, this week’s offering from my ‘Unused Material’ file is going to prove a challenge to compile with a positive spin because much of it refl...
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  • Degree or Not Degree, That Is a Question

    It occurred to me recently that there might be some mileage in a new radio show called ‘Desert Island Reads’, where people are asked to name eight books that they would like to take with them when they are castaway on an island far from the delights of the modern world.  I have got...
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